You may be holding unredeemed, mature U.S. Savings Bonds. Find out how to securely redeem your earnings. Learn More
Cash EE or I savings bonds
This page is only about Series EE and I savings bonds. For other bonds:
For these special situations, you want a different page.
You can get your cash for an EE or I savings bond any time after you have owned it for 1 year.
However, the longer you hold the bond, the more it earns for you (for up to 30 years for an EE or I bond).
Also, if you cash in the bond in less than 5 years, you lose the last 3 months of interest.
Paper EE or I savings bonds
Note: Do not buy savings bonds from someone else or in an online auction site. You cannot cash them. You can only cash bonds that you own or co-own unless you have legal evidence or other documentation that we accept to show you are entitled to cash the bond.
How do I cash my paper savings bonds? | Cashing your (adult's) bonds in the United States At a bank where you have a bank account: Contact them and ask:
From us:
(If the value of the bond(s) you are cashing is more than $1,000, you must have your signature certified. See FS Form 1522 for more about the signature requirements.)
Information for special circumstances: |
How do I know how much my bond is worth? | Use our Savings Bond Calculator. |
How much can I cash at one time? | Note: You cannot cash part of a paper savings bond. A paper savings bond must be cashed for its entire value. At a bank: Banks vary in how much they will cash at one time – or if they cash savings bonds at all. With us: We have no limit on the value or number of savings bonds you can cash at one time as long as the bonds meet the requirements for cashing. |
When will I get a form for my tax return? | At a bank: If a bank cashes your savings bond, they are responsible for getting you a 1099-INT. They may give or mail you the 1099-INT as soon as you cash the bond or they may wait until the following January. With us: If we cash your paper savings bond, we mail you the 1099-INT the following January. See more about tax information for EE and I savings bonds. |
Can I authorize someone else to cash my bonds? | You can authorize an attorney-in-fact to cash your bonds. See our instructions for an attorney-in-fact. |
What if I'm not sure if a paper EE or I savings bond has already been cashed or replaced? | If you are not sure because you got the bonds when someone died, see Death of a savings bond owner. Otherwise, check with your bank. They may be able to tell you. If they can't tell you and you are the owner or co-owner of the bond, write to us.
Do NOT send the actual bonds. |
Electronic EE or I savings bonds
How do I cash my electronic savings bonds? | Watch this Help Video for assistance. Or visit How do I…? for full step-by-step instructions.
How do I know how much my bond is worth? |
Go to your TreasuryDirect account. Check under Current Holdings. |
How much can I cash at one time? | Any amount of $25 or more to the penny. If you cash only part of what a bond is worth, you must leave at least $25 in your account. If you cash only part of what a bond is worth, you only get the interest on the part you cash. |
When will I get a form for my tax return? | The 1099-INT that you need for your tax return will be available in your TreasuryDirect account in January of the year after you cash in the bond. See more in Tax information for EE and I savings bonds. |
Treasury Hunt®
Do I own a savings bond?
Use the Treasury Hunt® tool to discover if you own savings bonds.